Soft skills development

Job Application Skills by Ingrid Scheijven from De Groeizaak

Ingrid Scheijven from ‘De Groeizaak’ gave an interactive workshop on Job Application Skills. In this workshop Ingrid explained the how to tune our CVs and cover letters to the vacancy we want to apply for and how to prepare for a job interview. We also discussed which questions to ask and not to ask during a job interview. Participants gave each other feedback on their CVs and cover letters and the workshop finished with an interactive play role activity where we interviewed each other. In addition, one of the participants was selected for a free coaching session with Ingrid! It was a successful morning!

The topic was highly relevant and the speaker was experienced on job hunting in the Netherlands.”

Anonymous participant

The small breakout rooms worked well. It was nice to get to know others on a more personal level.”

Anonymous participant

Career orientation

Job Application Skills by Ingrid Scheijven from De Groeizaak

Job application skills are essential for professionals in today’s society. The job market is becoming more flexible than ever and due to technology and globalization jobs are changing rapidly.

In this workshop Ingrid Scheijven from De Groeizaak discussed with us how professionals can stay attractive in this dynamic job market in order to create a fulfilling and meaningful career.

We gained insight in the essential steps of the complete application process via interactive activities. We discussed ‘building’ our profiles, how to find jobs and practiced job interview skills and salary negotiations.

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